Saturday Academy
with the OPS school year and addresses the educational, cultural and self-
esteem gaps experienced by 2nd – 5th grade students.

Through this learning opportunity, students receive support from certified teachers to master concepts in reading, writing, and mathematics. Students are evaluated to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Through this process, individualized lesson plans are developed to ensure student growth and success in the areas of reading and math.
In group settings, activities are developed to strengthen and support the relationships between schools, parents, and students. Workshops are held in the Fall and Spring to actively engage parents and guardians in the learning process. These workshops focus on leadership, learning activities, and games that can be used outside the classroom. In addition, role-models, mentors and other volunteers have a lasting impact on our students’ while helping them to become Respectful, Responsible and Ready to Lead.
Enrichment activities are provided to enhance the academy’s curriculum and foster out-of-school learning. These non-traditional learning opportunities foster a hunger for learning and expand the students’ classroom experience.
● VEX Robotics: This STEM-focused program provided students with hands-on experiences in math, engineering, computer programming and problem solving. Participants build real robots with the LEGO Mindstorms kits. They learned to program and attach various sensors and a computer program that allowed autonomous operation.
● 7 Habits: Using Steve Covey’s “7 Habits for Happy Kids,” mentors build relationships with students while helping students develop essential life skills and leadership traits for greatness. In effort to build confidence, self-esteem, and promote a positive self-image
● Exploring Science Fun: These hands-on, STEM investigations promote excitement for students in grades 3 and 4. Students tested high velocity Hot Wheel and balloon cars, launched paper tube rockets and became electrical engineers by building solenoid and spinning motors. They experienced investigations with Global Positioning Systems (G.P.S.). Our young scientists had the opportunity to sharpen their skills in measurement by participating in a Measuring Olympics. They investigated the best amount of fuel for an Alka-Rocket, created a human circuit and learned about conductors.
● Zoology (all grades): Students experienced various species as student zoologists. Learning included both classroom hands on and a tour of the animals “natural” habitats at the Henry Doorly Zoo and Herron Haven Nature Reserve.